Enhanced Income Trust - Wholesale

Aim: to generate income and preserve capital in accordance with U Ethical’s ethical investment policy and ethical investment and stewardship approach.


1 year p.a.


Since Inception p.a.



Outperform benchmark after fees over rolling 2-year periods.


3 month Bank Bill Swap Rate +1%

Suggested minimum investment horizon

2 years

Risk level


Inception date

1 July 2020

Fund size

$262.46m (as at 30 September 2024)

APIR code


Minimum investment


Distribution frequency

Half yearly (30 June, 31 December)

Management costs

Estimated up to 0.70% p.a.1

Buy/sell spread

0.05% / 0.05%

Additional contributions

Anytime by BPAY or recurring direct debit


Each business day2

  1. No fees for establishment, contributions, redemptions or exit. Management costs apply.
  2. Subject to conditions. Please read the Information Memorandum. Valid redemption requests received before 1.00 p.m. on a business day will be processed within 2 business days at the price applicable on the day of receipt of the request, subject to the Trust’s liquidity.

Top issuers*

National Australia Bank

Westpac Banking Corporation

Bank of Queensland

Australia & New Zealand Banking Group

Toyota Finance Australia

As at 30 September 2024

*Only considers fixed-income securities

U Ethical Enhanced Income Trust - Wholesale performance

As at 31 December 2024

3 months %
6 months %
1 year % p.a.
3 year % p.a.
5 year % p.a.
10 year % p.a.
20 year % p.a.
Inception % p.a.

Enhanced Income Trust - Wholesale

1 July 2020

1.27 %
2.93 %
5.49 %
3.19 %
2.4 %
2.59 %
4.12 %
6.52 %


1 July 2020

1.36 %
2.75 %
5.54 %
4.48 %
3.16 %
2.67 %
3.95 %
5.79 %

Enhanced Income Trust - Wholesale

1 July 2020


1 July 2020

3 months % p.a.
1.27 %
1.36 %
6 months % p.a.
2.93 %
2.75 %
1 year % p.a.
5.49 %
5.54 %
3 year % p.a.
3.19 %
4.48 %
5 year % p.a.
2.4 %
3.16 %
10 year % p.a.
2.59 %
2.67 %
20 year % p.a.
4.12 %
3.95 %
Inception % p.a.
6.52 %
5.79 %

Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Based on exit price with distributions reinvested, and are net of all fees.
*Prior to May 19 2021, the Enhanced Income Trust – Wholesale was called the Enhanced Cash Trust – Wholesale. From March 1990 to 30 June 2020, performance is that of the U Ethical Enhanced Cash Portfolio (the Portfolio) calculated upon distributions reinvested quarterly, including franking credits and benchmarked against 50% Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill index/50% AusBond composite 0-3year index. On 1 July 2020, the Portfolio was transferred into a unit trust, the U Ethical Enhanced Income Trust (Wholesale) benchmarked against the 3 Month Bank Bill Swap Rate +1.00% index, excluding franking credits. Where time horizons require, performance reflected is a blend of the two products and benchmarks stated.

Unit Price

As at 6 February 2025


Enhanced Income Trust - Wholesale


Quarterly Performance Reports

Our quarterly performance reports include fund performance, an asset allocation breakdown and commentary from portfolio managers.

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